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Butterflies Series

These paintings are about transformation and the magic of the creative process. Patience, trust and awareness that everything will blossom when the time is ripe. Joy, lightness and freedom, longing and fulfilment. They are an ode to the genius who inspired them.

Colour dance Series

These paintings represent the joyful dance of colours during the painting process. When I started painting I often applied bright hues, mostly straight from the tube. Little did I know. I still love bright colours, but set against an array of more muted ones, so that they stand out more. I now mix my own more muted and richer colours. 

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African Laughter Series

Africa has made a lasting impression on me and is an important source of inspiration for my work. I need to paint it. But how? Africa stands for so much. I am at the start of what I expect to be an extended period of deep exploration into what exactly that is, and how to express it. The series presented here contains the first step on this journey. 

Scenes of Nature Collage Series

These semi-abstract paintings are collage works on paper which were made on the basis of hikes in the nature areas around my home town. While hiking I sketched and took photos, focusing on the big picture as well as on details/close-ups. On the basis of this source material I painted (elements of) the nature scenes on large sheets of paper. I then tore these into pieces and reassembled them into collage works.

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Black and White (B&W) Series

These paintings started by dividing the panels in a black and a white area as a first layer. It is often said one should not use black in painting, and I never much liked painting with black, but for me this black-and-white start has challenged me and works. 


These paintings were made either as pairs or stand-alone pieces. Yet what binds them together is that they are all experimental works that inquire into composition, value, colour, mark making/texture, form and line, rhythm and movement. 

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These paintings are snapshots of concertina (harmonica) sketchbooks. Perpetuum refers to the ongoing nature of these paintings due to the seemingly ongoing concertina booklets (35 pages to and 35 pages fro, A5 format). As the pages are woven together, the work on each page flows naturally into that on the next. This encourages a free way of working. The paintings in these sketchbooks are explorations which can feed into my paintings. 

(Not for sale.)




My love of the honesty plant (in Dutch: Judaskruid) and of sunflowers, especially when they are in a state of decay, prompted me to create small series on both. Furthermore this category contains individual paintings and drawings of flowers and crops. All paintings are made with soft pastel, the drawings with charcoal.

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For a time I explored painting landscape with watercolour paint and soft pastel, focusing on the African landscape that I love so much. I will dive back into this for my Africa project that is underway. 

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